Tuesday, March 16, 2010


We managed to attend a wedding in Bangalore. The ceremony is looooong and interesting. The bride and groom keep throwing rice at each other! Beautiful Uttara, the bride.

I think our journey from Bangalore to Mysore is worth mentioning: We took a local tour bus at 6am after we stayed up late chatting to Kamal (the friend we stayed at) and doing the packing. I was dead tired, but I was hoping to get some sleep on the bus. Bad thinking! The bus was competing with the comfort of a horse carriage. I think it had no suspension at all. My head was bouncing on the headrest continuously. When I say bouncing I don’t just mean tiny bouncing, I mean my head doing at least 5 cm jumps away from the surface it was resting on. I managed to get used to being thrown about and went to sleep, but only until the bus went over a speed bump or something alike, which threw me in the air, scarring the s..t out of me. I landed back in my seat, got my breath back and the whole cycle of falling asleep with a bouncy head and being woken up by a speed bump started all over again.

We stayed in Mysore for only one night after which we headed off to Kochi.

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