Monday, August 18, 2014

It's no accident that there's so much food being wasted

How can we get people to waste less? 1/3 of the food produced around the world is wasted, while millions go hungry. This is insane!
The problem is, people who can afford to waste, will continue to waste. They have children who grow up thinking that wasting is the natural thing to do and probably believe that it's also the only option. But is it really? Do you really have to throw away a banana if it's too ripe for you? No, not really! You can process that banana into a smoothie for example.

I want to show children alternative ways of treating food. I want to plant the idea in the back of their heads... I want them to think and be creative before they walk to the bin with a piece of stale bread. Why not leave it to dry instead, then make breadcrumbs? Breadcrumbs will last for a long time if properly dried and will make a wonderful coating for your chicken schnitzel.

Are you with me on this? Do you value food as much as your life? Good, because your life depends on it. What a pity that millions of people forget this and treat food as if it was nothing.

I really want to make a change, so I've created a children's picture book called Carrotman.
Please have a look at my Kickstarter campaign for more information on the book and a project video.

Be part of this change and pledge only the price of a coffee towards the creation of this book that will change the way children perceive food.

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